Fixing brains in-clinic

ROB FAIRLEYDid you know . . . that once fully fixed, fixed tissues can be stored for a quite a period of time without actually being kept in formalin?Being able to store fixed tissue this way, is particularly useful for brains, and especially large brains from older calves and cows.Receiving brains in containers where 90% […]

Sample preparation for histology

RAMONA EIHOLZERTo ensure your histology samples reach us in the best possible condition for processing and interpretation, we have some tips for how the samples need to be handled before you send them to us.> Samples to be submitted for histology must be fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, in a 10:1 ratio of formalin to […]

Liver sampling

ROB FAIRLEYWhen sampling the liver for histology (especially for cases with known liver disease) it is helpful to take multiple pieces and it is really helpful to make sure that what you select includes some decent-sized bile ductules. Facial eczema, for example, preferentially affects the larger ductules.Some livers may have really badly affected areas (the […]