Mammary masses in dogs

MIKE HARDCASTLEWe commonly receive large mammary gland biopsies or mammary strips from dogs with a history suggesting that the samples contain one or more masses.  This region of the canine anatomy unfortunately seems prone to contraction during formalin fixation.The contraction of the biopsy or strip makes the entire tissue firm and can prevent palpation and […]

Case of the month

JULIE TOMLINSONClinical history:An 18-month old female domestic shorthair cat presented with a bloated abdomen and voluminous mucoid malodorous diarrhoea. Laboratory results:CBC revealed a low-normal haematocrit and a marked inflammatory leukogram (see Table 1). On examination of the blood film, the majority of red cells (approximately 99%) were found to contain Heinz bodies (see Figure 1), which were […]